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Cloonloo National School, Co Sligo
Cloonloo National School, Co Sligo

Active School Week 29.04.24-03.05.24

30th May 2024

We started Active School Week with a splash on Monday by diving into Carrick Swimming Pool as part of our summer swimming series.Everyone is making great progress and really enjoying themselves.

Next up was Cycling Skills,where Ms Savage was lucky enough to borrow some equipment from Sligo Sports Partnership.We practiced some games,cornering,balance and braking skills and then got to try the obstacle course of ramps,rumble strips,planks and limbo poles,it was tricky but everyone made a great attempt.

We had another great skills session with Dillon in our regular GAA training slot and got to practice two more ball sports this week.We had rugby coaching with Jim from Carrick Rugby Club and Tennis Coaching from Neil and Cathal of Boyle Tennis Club.

To top off all the excitement in school for Active School Week we had our regular Teacher V’s Pupils Challenges- Teddy Throwing,Water Relay,Beanbag balance,Basketball Hoops,One Leg Balance. It was an even draw until Friday where the pupils successfully beat the teachers in the last challenge,keeping their overall challenge record unbeaten.


We all really enjoyed Active School Week 🙂